GST Search on Manupatra |
Search for case laws of GST directly from this search interface using Various Parameters |
Legal Search Using Party Name |
Legal Search helps you to search for specific fields or combination of fields |
Filters on Manupatra |
Using filters a user can know in a glance how the results are slotted across different heads and straight away access the one that is relevant to his research. |
Understanding Relevant Section Search |
The user can search for Judgments specifically in the relevant section which have been discussed / relied on in the case. |
Understanding mPara |
Using m-Para a user can view the frequently quoted paragraph/s of a judgment on the click of a button. |
Sticky Note |
Explains how the sticky note feature on Manupatra can be used to highlight important paragraph or parts of a Judgment |
E-mail a Judgement on Manupatra |
Emailing a Judgment on Manupatra |
Manu Search |
Manu Search gives you the single search box experience and assists you to search for key words, phrases, multiple phrases, near each other and more. |
Citation Search |
Use the elements of a citation to find the relevant judgement in one click. Provides prospective list of relevant judgements in case of availability of a partial citation. Only legal research tool which enables citation search with partial information. |
Cited in Para |
Cited in Para enables the user to see the relevant paragraphs in the various judgements where the subject case has been referred to. |
Manu Cite |
Manu Cite displays the number of times a case has been cited in other cases in a sorted view along with the treatment in each case |
Authority Check |
Authority Check shows you the number of times a case has been cited in other courts along with frequency of citation and latest citation date. |
Case Map |
Case Map provides in a pictorial representation the top 20 cases referred in the subject judgement as well as the top 20 cases in which the case was referred. |
Comparative Bare Acts |
Comparative Bare Act provides you a tabular comparison chart of the of the act in the point and the subsequent preceeding amendment act. |
Save Search & Search Alert |
Save Search provides the option of saving a search for future reference in Manupatra, and getting alerts in your email box of any new judgment pronounced on your search query without your having to go and check each time. |
Display Settings |
While reading a judgment on, user can change the Font Type, Font Size and Line Spacing of the judgment. |
Legal Taxonomy |
Legal Taxonomy presents a list of all the important judgments on a particular subject of the act in point. |
Act Search |
Search for Cases under specific Section/s of Act/s |
Typical Judgments and various fields |
How does a judgement appear on Manupatra: Fields & Editorial enhancements |
Saving a Judgment |
How do I save a judgement in Manupatra, for referring it in future or citing it in court |
Overruled Judgment |
Am I citing good law? How to check if a Judgment is over-ruled on Manupatra. |
Print Out on Manupatra |
Opening a Judgment and taking a Print Out on Manupatra |